
Hula Hooping Maniac

Since this is my first entry that I've written in a while, I chose to discuss the topic of hula hooping.

As children all of us have gyrated with a hoop and depending on your age - you may have rolled one. Some hula hoop for exercise, to look sexy by moving their hips in such a suggestive manner, or if you're like me - you just wanna look cool.

People told me to get more of this thing called "physical activity" or better known as,"exercise." Apparently this miracle drug is a cure for depression, prevents heart disease, and helps murder fatness. Little did I know, this was no drug. It is basically the equivalent of
not being lazy.

So, I put this idea off for a
long and finally I was inspired. (For a while I had thought of training to become a pirate, and before that a superhero. However, that was too difficult and I was not sure how to go about doing so.)
This new form of inspiration came in the form a bitchin' video game character. Tira, the hula hooping fighter in Soul Calibur(IV, because it pwns the rest, besides II-which is also fantastic.)

(check out Tira being cool)

Yeah so Tira is bad ass. Seeing her in action is amazing (and customizing her costume is wicked great, one of the major benefits of Soul Calibur IV.) My goal is to learn some of these tricks. I hadn't remembered how badly I sucked at hoopin' at first...But now I've got the hang of it. I've been attempting some tricks and slashed my mom with it, Tira style.

I have yet to attach the knives.

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