
Cleaness/Messiness of Living Space

Messy rooms.

Mess:a state of confusion and disorderliness

Some consider my room to be quite messy, but it is just example of the way my brain works. My room works around my bed which is where I sit to work on everything I do. On occasion I will sit on the floor, which is where I store things that I will need to find immediately. Next to my bed at this moment in time sits:

A sketchbook

Temporary tattoos

a tissue box

Marvel Encyclopedia


a box of drawing supplies

a capo

retainer case (hot, I know)

some tic-tacs


and clothes, of course.

Also on my floor is the April 2010 issue of Psychology Today. Inside is an article about messy vs neat rooms. Which I was interested in to see if they could back me up for being a lazy slob.
Office Spaces, by Jay Dixit(cool name) begins with a quote by Albert Einstein. "If a cluttered desk signs a cluttered mind what, then, is an empty desk a sign?" Great question, Einstein, empty desk signifies BORING. If you need to have neatness, no problem, but its too much for me--too little I suppose. The article explains that neat people remember to do things by keeping lists or planners, whereas messy people have to see things in their environment that will remind them. People just function differently, I guess.

My environment can't be a plain room, nothing on the floor, everything completely neat and tidy. Not now, not ever. I want things to look at. If I search around the floor I want to find something that I've been looking weeks for, there's always a surprise! My mom claims that I'm a hoarder, but I just like to keep things. I'ma an artist, I feed off creativity and I need to have random crap to hang from my ceiling or tape to my walls.

Are you a neat freak? Or are you a slob?

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