
Things I Like About People & Star Wars Force Trainer

One thing I really just plain enjoy about people is the fact that they blow into a tissue and immediately examine their snot. Why? I do it too, I'm not any better than the rest. I just could never really say why. Its just an unexplainable phenomenon that has amazed me for years.

One great thing about people is their great inventions. This latest breakthrough in technology has left me amazed and yearning...

The Star Wars Force Trainer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28W6ibMI6Gc
Forget the Ipod, forget spaceships, forget computers, THIS IS PURE GENIUS.
This device consists of a headpiece, bong-like object, and small star-warsy ball. Using your mind (basically using the Force) you can suspend the ball within the bong. Somehow the headpiece can tell if you're concentrating and BANG you work your way up 15 to levels to a Jedi Master.

Come on, you know you want it. It's amazing. However, due to the fact I'm broke and unemployed (the recession takes a toll) I will street perform the get money to buy this.


The Poopstick

I recently spent a week in Shallote, North Carolina with my family at my great grandparents house. It'd been over ten years since I'd seen this distant land, and had so little recollection of it. However, since I'd seen my great grandparents off and on since I'd been to NC, memories of them were still strong.

In October of 2009 my great grandfather passed away just before he turned eighty-seven. Thankfully it happened surrounded by his wife and children in his daughter's house in Utah, as opposed to in a hospital. If things got bad, he said, he didn't want to be in a hospital or nursing home.

On this earth, my grandfather was an eccentric guy: not quite up to date in political correctness, said anything on his mind, and could make conversation with anyone. Around my hometown and in North Carolina he was very well known and well liked. He was a riot and the family often reminisces about the things he had said.
Similar to him, was his wife-my great grandmother. She too says the priceless things, in her Greek accent. The night we had arrived on our recent visit we were trying to figure out sleeping situations. She told me that I could sleep in her bed with her, to sweeten up the deal she said "I don't fart or anything."

The next evening the family would get into a conversation regarding farting, would lead to a story I had never heard before. This story was about the infamous poopstick.
The "poopstick" was a device used to manipulate excrement down the toilet upon the occurrence of clogging. Every time my uncle would visit North Carolina, my Grampy would remind him of the poopstick-should he ever need it- and would show him where it was. My question was why they didn't just use a plunger, but I suppose the stick was a more effective tool.

On this trip I was the first one to need the poopstick. To my horror, I couldn't flush. And it triggered in my mind. I walked out and said "Mom, I need the poopstick." We were at the door to the garage and my mom, laughing, told the family we needed the poopstick. It seemed we gathered around to the resting spot of the holy wand. It was nestled in a plastic bag, with its wooden 'clean end' sticking out. The tip was metal, for maximum effectiveness.

The poopstick had been put to use for the first time in over a year, and I like to think it was a way to honor my Grampy.


Comic Book Convention (Part 4)

New England Ghost Busters- donate to charities and get others
interested in doing so, to find out more check out there site
They're really for a great cause and not to mention,
their costumes are awesome!

Comic Book Convention (Part 3)

Comic Con was so fantastic. Never in my life have I felt so cool. Everybody knew me, they greeted me with a smile "Hey Psylocke!" They wanted me, they needed me. I got compliments, people asked for pictures with me, I got into conversations with strangers, and nerds came on to me without shame. Not only were people wanting me, I was wanting to maul some of these cosplayers, they were so hot. The costumes were gorgeous and I needed in on that action. Not to mention the comics were cheap-o! I got tons of comics (and even a discount on a Psylocke one.)


Comic Book Convention (Part 2)

Tomorrow is comic con.

My costume is almost done, I just have to figure out what I'm going to do with the fabric for the belt. Today I spent about five hours sewing the leg bands and shaping up my second glove.
The only issue at the moment is that I need to figure out what to do for the boots. I don't have enough material to create boots the size of Psylocke's; I'm considering wrapping the material from my ankle to just below the knee, have no idea about shoes though... At some point before Comic Con I'll figure that out. I dyed my hair back to purple just for the occasion.

But I am so excited, I'm gonna get comics, and an official shirt, and I'm gonna go crazy with pictures! FIRST COMIC CON!!! This experience is close to being as special as a first kiss, not really, but its pretty fantastic.


Comic Book Convention (Part 1)

Yes, YES, yes. Recently (last month) I discovered that a comic book convention was going to be nearby! I had been going into Newbury Comics to get some more manic panic for my fading blue and just by chance -fate, if you will- I caught a glimpse. A brightly colored sign, yes, oh yes, those words. Boston. Comic. Con. For about a year I had been thinking about when the con of the comic type would occur, and finally there was an answer.

It took me quite a while to decide on which hero to be. My first thought was Psylocke, then I considered the fact I was not quite leotard material. Then I contemplated Rogue since I already have my own x-men jacket similar to hers, but I didn't want to have to get a cheesy wig. Also Jean Grey (as the Phoenix) but again there was the trouble with the hair. But finally I settled for my favorite Psylocke. I decided people at a comic book convention weren't really going to judge me. In reality most of them won't have sexy bodies anyway.
I began by searching online for a leotard and found the perfect shape. I wished the color was a little more similar to hers, but it would have to do. Afterwards I bought some blue lycra and red material to make gloves and the belt. My first glove is finished.
Six days left.


Cleaness/Messiness of Living Space

Messy rooms.

Mess:a state of confusion and disorderliness

Some consider my room to be quite messy, but it is just example of the way my brain works. My room works around my bed which is where I sit to work on everything I do. On occasion I will sit on the floor, which is where I store things that I will need to find immediately. Next to my bed at this moment in time sits:

A sketchbook

Temporary tattoos

a tissue box

Marvel Encyclopedia


a box of drawing supplies

a capo

retainer case (hot, I know)

some tic-tacs


and clothes, of course.

Also on my floor is the April 2010 issue of Psychology Today. Inside is an article about messy vs neat rooms. Which I was interested in to see if they could back me up for being a lazy slob.
Office Spaces, by Jay Dixit(cool name) begins with a quote by Albert Einstein. "If a cluttered desk signs a cluttered mind what, then, is an empty desk a sign?" Great question, Einstein, empty desk signifies BORING. If you need to have neatness, no problem, but its too much for me--too little I suppose. The article explains that neat people remember to do things by keeping lists or planners, whereas messy people have to see things in their environment that will remind them. People just function differently, I guess.

My environment can't be a plain room, nothing on the floor, everything completely neat and tidy. Not now, not ever. I want things to look at. If I search around the floor I want to find something that I've been looking weeks for, there's always a surprise! My mom claims that I'm a hoarder, but I just like to keep things. I'ma an artist, I feed off creativity and I need to have random crap to hang from my ceiling or tape to my walls.

Are you a neat freak? Or are you a slob?


Bezizzle Frizizzles

Best friends.
Better than.
Snorting crack.

Where would anyone be without their best friend? They'd be pathetic, lonely, empty losers (to put it nicely.) A best friend is not there to shop with you or search for hot people or talking shit about other people -they can do that but they're there for so much more.
Best friends are supposed to be a child with you no matter if you're 5 or 90, they'll stick with you when you're being an asshole, and hopefully do anything and everything you guys can come up with.

Personally, my best friend is the shit. We met last year, but I feel like we were in the womb together-- or maybe we were even attached at the head.

We have no shame, we'll send each other texts with pictures of bruises and cuts or hardcore hickeys. I call my best friend....Smelly K.

Last summer we covered ourselves in pirate tattoos we bought at Walgreens (every time we're there we check out the toy aisle.) That summer we also purchased a giant bag of army men from said toy aisle and battled out on the sidewalk outside of Papa Gino's.

Ever done the Safety Dance? We have. One of our many theme songs happens to be the Safety Dance-- "everybody look at your hands." You know the one with the video containing the crazy midget dancing around and the intense guy with the vest? We performed the safety dance out on a dock nearby Smelly K's house. At the end of the dance (which made us seem like we needed a high dose of Ritalin,) we heard someone call out "nice moves!" A man from the coast guard had been watching us dance the whole time... it was great. Pretty funny, I thought he had said "nice boobs" at first and got a little freaked out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcOZ6xFxJqg

There are so many stories that could be told about Smelly K and I. She's my bestest pal, and I'd be so boring without her. If you don't have a best friend, get one lickedy split.
*check out us eating grossness*

Lady GaGa?

Yeah, so I pretty much hate modern music. For years I've been noticing its suckiness. However, Lady GaGa caught my eye. At first, being me, I had to say she was stupid. I hated her, but soon things changed. Turns out she's really a talented musician. She actually plays an instrument...yeah... You'd think it's impossible to play an instrument these days. Something about modern times means that you have to have 100% computerized riffs (either stolen, or created by someone you hire.) It's rare to find a pop artist who will actually sing without some kind of distortion to their voice.
Lady Gaga has been playing piano since she was four and will actually sing fo rizzle, so show some respect. Also she has the guts to show some originality.


Photoshopped Pictures

All of these pictures I created with Photoshop.

this actually wasn't photoshopped, I was
really in Narnia.

Robert Smith
Some of my favorite musicans in a picture I took
of my shoes.

Hannibal Lecter

Hannibal Lecter (I believe from a screenshot I took
while watching Red Dragon)

The Beatles and I on a flying couch in the sky. This actually
wasn't photoshopped either...

Yes, I love the Beatles

Adamantium v. Lightsabers

Earlier this year my brother and I had a discussion about Adamantium. Yes, Adamantium the metal which Wolverine's skeleton is composed of.

[Adamantium according to Wikipedia]
Adamantium is a fictional metal alloy in the Marvel Comic Universe.
It appears most notably as the substance bonded to the character Wolverine's
skeleton and bone claws.

Adamantium can cut through practically anything and is basically indestructible. Wolverine's claws were formerly bone, until Weapon X pumped his skeleton with a liquid form of the metal. I've read that it is magnetic to an extent.

This argument, however, was whether a lightsaber could cut through Adamantium.

My view was that there was no way a crappy stick with a beam of light could cut through such a powerful metal. But people who oppose that thought argue that a light saber emits pure energy. I found a little bit of information on the weapon on Wookieepedia. Who couldn't trust a site with a name like that?

Lightsaber's can cut through crap, for example Anakin Skywalker's arm. Interestingly enough the way that it cuts prevents the victim from bleeding insanely. According to Wookiepedia, it could cut through almost anything...ALMOST.

Could a lightsaber cut through Adamantium? What do you think?


Hula Hooping Maniac

Since this is my first entry that I've written in a while, I chose to discuss the topic of hula hooping.

As children all of us have gyrated with a hoop and depending on your age - you may have rolled one. Some hula hoop for exercise, to look sexy by moving their hips in such a suggestive manner, or if you're like me - you just wanna look cool.

People told me to get more of this thing called "physical activity" or better known as,"exercise." Apparently this miracle drug is a cure for depression, prevents heart disease, and helps murder fatness. Little did I know, this was no drug. It is basically the equivalent of
not being lazy.

So, I put this idea off for a
long and finally I was inspired. (For a while I had thought of training to become a pirate, and before that a superhero. However, that was too difficult and I was not sure how to go about doing so.)
This new form of inspiration came in the form a bitchin' video game character. Tira, the hula hooping fighter in Soul Calibur(IV, because it pwns the rest, besides II-which is also fantastic.)

(check out Tira being cool)

Yeah so Tira is bad ass. Seeing her in action is amazing (and customizing her costume is wicked great, one of the major benefits of Soul Calibur IV.) My goal is to learn some of these tricks. I hadn't remembered how badly I sucked at hoopin' at first...But now I've got the hang of it. I've been attempting some tricks and slashed my mom with it, Tira style.

I have yet to attach the knives.